Abstract: As we know in mobile communication the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) site, the tower maintenance has a very important role. Now days scenario some of the problems are being faced in the maintenance of the station site .The major problems which are faced include the fluctuation or variations of températures, unnoticed or unauthenticated entry of Person , fuel level amount being not noticed, the technical person has to manage time management in case of any of the above discussed problems. The instant message about the each activity happing in the site given by GSM .The temperature sensor LM35 will sense the room temperature level and if it is above the minimum level Global System modem will send an immediate message to the technician unique mobile. The values are displayed on LCD monitor, the aurdino controller gives command to turn on AC cooler or fan. The Base Station which is operated by Diesel fuel for generator. When the fuel level goes below the set value similar way message is sent to the technician unique number saying as fueil level is about to finish its 10% remaining. Door close/opener sensor is also used for indication of door opening and closings hall effect sensor for saving light energy as well finiding un noticed person entry. Theft of wire Status indicated by motion detection IR Sensor.The site door can be accessed only through the ID system ie using RFID reader. The situation in the site is updated to the technician through messages. PIR sensor used to detects the presence of humans inside the room. Camera is placed to record BTS room happings.

Keywords: Atmega2560, BTS Shelter, Mobile station, GSM, Arduino, RFID, Sensors.